The nature of Nations Council is to acknowledge and if possible resolve any conflicts.

Hot spot zones and resolution through acknowledgement-

I. Priorities of the in zone representatives of externally invested interests in relation to interests of in zone natives or naturals.

Representatives – is a loose term but can be thought of as any person who would consider themselves a tourist amongst a natural community, nation, state, or any entity that has a clear set of moral, ethical, spiritual, practical beliefs that are based around any proven accepted and sustained history showing a stability for the people’s of this history. This person therefore would be considered a representative of this history or of these people’s.

The distinguishing of representatives from naturals in hot spot zones is done in an attempt to acknowledge the fact that on either side of interest relation exchange (IRE), both parties must either recognize their mutual benefit from the exchange in an attempt to harmonize a dual interest that gives safety to the parties that are involved in conflict resolution harmonization (CRH) or the resolution of conflict via acknowledgment will be one sided with a lack of known facts. In this case CRH turns in to conflict resolution strategy (CRS) where lower level survival values are evaluated and safety over harmonization take proceedings.